Get Involved

Abundance New York is building a new political home for New Yorkers who believe the city and state's superpowers are growth and change. 

We work to bring people (like you!) together to use your power and grow our movement. Learn more below—then join our community

Engage with Elected Officials

Today, many elected officials at the city and state level only hear from the constituents who oppose change—those for whom the status quo is working. New Yorkers who want abundant housing, people-first streets, and a sustainable city and state are left out of the conversation. 

Together, we are making it clear to our leaders that there is an unseen majority demanding something different.

Uplift Aligned Candidates and Causes

We spotlight candidates for office who want to connect New York with its centuries-old superpowers: growth and change. At the city and state level, public matching funds make community members’ small grassroots donations go far. 

Join us to help usher in a new generation of champions for an Abundant New York.

Advocate for Policy Change

We are lucky to have policy advocacy groups working on housing, transit, the public realm, and climate—crafting laws to pass and policies for city and state administrations to prioritize. Their impact grows when the number of voices supporting their work grows, counteracting the (very loud) voices of those who oppose change across these issues. 

We share opportunities to sign petitions, attend rallies, testify at hearings, call elected officials, and otherwise support the policy planks that will build the New York we want.

Learn about political power—and how to use yours

National news draws attention, but what’s happening below the headlines is often more relevant to your day-to-day life: the rent you pay, the speed and safety of your commute, the vibrancy of your streets. 

Our Substack breaks down the stories that matter, and our educational events and trainings will help you understand our politics so you can use your power.

Building a political home also means finding like-minded folks and having a good time. Abundance New York hosts a monthly happy hour just for fun. 

To attend that or any of the above,
join our community